
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cabal Force Shielder (FS) Best Walkthrough

As all we know Force Shielder has the highest defense of all the other class. It has also a high critical damage and high in critical rate too. FS is the coolest class, this is because of his skills, Fs can do Sword and Magic skills that are good in DPS. The Astral Shield looks so tough with a sword on the other hand thats makes him even more powerfull. What are the capabilities of an FS? Well they are good in tanking, his enormous defense do it all. His art in defensive style was his major advantage.

This walkthrough ill be sharing to you guys was writen by my friend in cabal ingame, he was my buddy since I've started playing it. He help me do my Rank up quest all the way to rank 18, not to mention we have the same nation as Procyons. Thats why were like Batman and Robin in TG/mwar.

So lets start with the advantage and some disadvantages of a Force Shielder (FS). Good thing about FS is when at TG/mwar you can actually face all your opponent even though your the only one rushing through them, well thats because FS has skills that makes him invurnerable in a matter of time, and at this rate your teammates will have time to kill all the enemies alongside with you while they are on focus. What i hate about FS is they are too slow in dungeon runs, their BM2 doesn't comply in facing bosses. The BM2 of an FS do the slowest normal attacks of all the other classes.

In PVP action, the FS has two options in dueling. They can be a Sword type and a Magic type aswell. If you against BL and FB's better using Magic Skills. This way you can avoid their dimensional skills. Cannons and Lances do fatal damage and good in DPS too. For the WA, WI, and FA's best way to used is Sword Skills. sFS or a Sword Forced Shielder are like a combination of a warrior and a force blader. They have a powerfull skill and a super hard armor.

My Combo in mFS:
Terra Lance (lv20) - Fire Lance (lv20) - Freezing Lance (lv20) - Aqua Cannon (lv20) - Fire Cannon (lv20) - Crystal Cannon (lv20) - Stone Cannon (lv20) - Blade of Judgement (lv20)

sFS best Combo:
Force Kick (lv9) - Shield Charge (lv20) - Impact Stab (lv20) - Rising Shot (lv20) - Power Slash (lv20) - Soaring Shot (lv20) - Round Cut (lv20) - Shield Splinter (lv20)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cabal Warrior (WA) Complete Guide

This guide ill be sharing to you guys is base on my own experience in cabal, knowing that i am just a newly guide maker, i will still put up the best warrior guide. It will cover the pve, pvp, TG/Mwar and leveling/farming spots.

If you are new in cabal game, and this guide is just for you. Why? because warrior is the best class in cabal nowadays, not just because of its heavy armor and high def. but the skills that dominates the game. Fast kill, good in dps and piercing attacks are really good especially in tg/mwar.

Advantage and disadvantages of a warrior. Commonly one of the disadvantage of a warrior class is his short range battle, most in Battle Mode 2. You can die easly on a long range class, if you did'nt outreach him. Also if you did not used your skills properly, like when you using damage over time (DOT) skills and you did'nt used combo, there's a posibility that you've missed right? the 2nd thing you know, you are already dead.
The major advantages of a warrior is based on your setup/build. The stats for WA is pure STR, this will increase the base damage and boost your defense. Unlike other games Physical and Magical damage are different, if they used magic skills you will be needing mdef or magical defense, but here in cabal, magic attacks and physical one are the same, both can be reduced in pdef. Warriors is next to Force Shielder (FS) highest pdef ingame. They can tank bosses, in war, gvg, etc. Also WA has alot of HP, making them superior among other classes. But what really facinating about Wa is the skills, combining your skills using them in a proper way, will make you godly ingame.

PVP skills and tecniques on other class
The Force Archer (FA). Dueling an fa in normal pvp. There wont be any problem against fa's on normal pvp, because fa's had low Hit Points (HP). When the pvp starts press your combo right away, opening your 1st skill with force kick, this will make your oppponent stun a bit and instead of dashing through force kick will be alot more usefull, not just stunning your enemy but because of its descent damage and a good damage per second (DPS) and getting you close enough to your opponent especially on FA's making them easly to defeat. In freestyle pvp with an FA's, will be easy on you also, when pvp starts do a force skill this time without using combo, because if you use combo skills and he use the fade step skill, your combo will be failed to start, unless you have a quick reflexes, pointing the your mouse cursor against him, then your combo will start perfectly and your foe will be surprise by this.
Best combo angainst FA's : Force Kick (lv9) - Impact Stab (lv20) - Rising Shot (lv20) - Charge (lv20) - Heavy Slash (lv20) - Seismic Wave (lv9) - Wirlwind (lv20)
Best Equipment against FA's : used pure Sword Skill Amp (SSA) Armor Sets, Deathblow Great Sword and Armor Helm, 2 pcs Ring of Luck, Amulet of Pain +3 to +6.

The Force Blader (FB). If you will going to duel with an FB, you have to know that FB's do alot of critical skills. They even might defeat you in just using 2 skills. So i suggest you to wear High Def armor with HP on it (not SSA), this will make FB's hard to kill you, even if he crits. My best combo for it in a normal pvp is, you had to have great reflexes, because of their Assassinate skill, if they are about to cast this skill, you might get your combo break, not knowing Assassinate skill can do 5 dimension slashes and detonate with the last hit. This means those dimensions can make you run along while he hit you like a training dummy. But you know how to counter it he himself get the combo break, Do this exactly what i say, when he cast that Assassinate, do a force kick, then seismic wave afterwards. This will him stock or break his combo. Now in freestlye pvp, this time reserve your force kick for a counter attack. Just do a fade and dash skill while the counting down to start. Then just hit him with seismic wave, and if he got down do your combo at once.
Best combo against FB's : Charge (lv20) - Impact Stab (lv20) - Power Stab (lv20) - Seismic Wave (lv9) - Wirlwind (lv20)
Best equipment against FB's : used high def armor's like mithril or shineguards with HP on options, Deathblow Great Sword and Armor Helm, 2 pcs Ring of Luck, Amulet of Pain +3 to +6.

The Force Shielder (FS). Facing an FS will be easier for you, cause FS got low HP. Even though they've got the highiest Critical Damage in skill, they can be defeat easily. But still equipments setup matters.

The Wizzard (WI). If you are in TG/Mwar then wizzard will almost instantly dominate in killing. But not in PVP. WI are not weak, but too soft in hand to hand combat. Without their BM's and Blink skills they are far enough in winning. So in dueling a Wi wont be a problem.

The Blader (BL). In my expirience i've fought so many BL's in game, and the chance of winning is 50/50 or i say they are almost even. Because Bl's have decsent HP and a good damage as well. They are the balance class in game. So in dueling them  wont be that easy, it will be now defend on your luck.

PVE/leveling and farming spots
Well for me since warrior skills have instanly down effects, you can take mobs/monsters without having a hardtime. But this will defend in your positioning, you must learned that everytime you cast your skills to a group of mobs, you have to hit them all at the same time. The best way to farm in cabal is, 1st get your rank up quest right away until you reach level that will accssebly satisfied the area of spots you need to go. Here are the most spot im farming at. Level 70-79 at Fort Ruina (FR). In here you get some Map Part/Ruina Station entry, and some Shadow/titanium equips with amp. Level 80-90 Undead Ground (UG). The same as fort ruina just add some osmium equips. Now at level 90-110 will be Forgotten Ruins (FR). You can get some Forgotten Temple entries, shadow/osmium/aqua equips, and try killing the mini bosses in this map. You might get lucky though them to drop bike's. Yes mini bosses in FR drop Blue Bike and RW3 bike. Ok at level 111-130. You can spam dungeon runs till you get level 130. I suggest Map Part and Sod, and why EoD b1f/b2f not in list, because Eod's are too long to spam. Unlike MP/Sod, they have alot of good usable stuffs that drops. Believe me you can make alot of fortune in here. At level 130 you can go now to mutant forest (MF). MF drop rate is a bit low on equips, but not the entries. I heard a humors that mitrhil drops here. But the chances is to rare. I've spend half aday in 2 months, but unfortunately none drop. You can either farm here or run dungeons until you can get to the map Pontus Ferum (PF). The same as MF drop rate. But adding up the mini bosses makes the map more fun to enjoy.

War Stratigies
Playin in war, is different in PVP duels. In here its not a man to man or 1 on 1 combat, this is base on your teamplays. Just play your role as a warrior. Positioning is important and always remeber to play safe. Its just doing a hit and run tactics. If they are not focus on you, Hit! and if they are, Run! Its like your in a riot. Focus on the weak ones to gain more score, and dont forget to destroy some guardians while doing this you can build some attack tower for a better and faster push.
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